Players & Officials - Central Yorke Football Club

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Players & Officials

Players & Club Officials are to register and pay with the online registration form above.
All players must be registered before their first game.

Senior Playing Member (A Grade / B Grade)   $100.00 + $20 online compulsory SANFL fee

Junior Colts U14s Player  $50.00 + $15 online compulsory SANFL fee

Senior Colts U17s Player $75.00 + $15 online compulsory SANFL fee

Minis U11's Player   $30.00 + $15 online compulsory SANFL fee

Minis U8's Player  Auskick Registration through Auskick website

Parents and players, please understand that registering and being a part of the CYFC you will be required to volunteer and fill a rostered canteen or bar shift or game day job as required.

All players need to be aware that CYFC / YPFL Insurance covers Death and Disablement only.
It is up to each individual player to provide their own health insurance as required.
The CYFC is not liable for player medical expenses.
CYFC Policies
Download Here
(Best viewed on a computer)
By registering with the Central Yorke Football Club you agree to be bound by the Club policies.
CYFC Medical Forms
Download Here
(Best viewed on a computer)
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